Sustainable Leadership and Academic Excellence
International Conference
9th-11th November 2021
Click here to register to one of these workshops
Designing Professional Development with Educators
Duration: 3 hours with 1 breaks in between.
Presenter: Dr. Joel Armando | PhD, Product Manager Director, Educators, Blackboard Academy
Targeted Audience: Educational developers, decision makers in HE, curricula designers
Academic leadership by Advance HE
Duration: 6 hours.
Mode of Delivery: Online using Zoom
Providers and facilitators: Advance HE (AHE), United Kingdom
Organizers: University of Bahrain
Targeted audience: Having effective non-University of Bahrain Heads of Department and Heads of Academic sections in higher education in the local and the regional context is vital for all higher education providers yet the opportunities for the professional development of this group of academic staff remain limited.
Participants are:
- Non-University of Bahrain affiliates
- Higher education executive academics with leadership roles located in Bahrain
- Higher education executive academics with leadership roles located in the GCC countries
Constructively Aligned Professional Practices
Duration: 3 hours.
Presenter: Dr. UTEL team member
Targeted Audience: All higher education faculty members
Overview: ‘How can I choose the suitable types of assessments for my students and my course? How can I achieve the intended learning outcomes (ILOs)? How can I decide on the level of the knowledge and questions that I am giving? Am I assessing my students based on what they should have learned in this specific course?’ Am I phrasing my questions appropriately?’ Answers to these questions and more can be found in this workshop.
The workshop highlights the importance of constructive alignment in education. It guides teachers to choose the appropriate types of assessments. It also details how to precisely structure the assessments. During the workshop, interactive activities will help participants to design their assessments following constructive alignment theory. Examples of assessment questions will be provided to reflect on their level and suitability. Another key component of the workshop is practicing how to choose the appropriate teaching and learning activities that help students perform better in their assessment tasks. Tips on how both learners and teachers can participate to achieve the intended learning outcomes will also be illustrated. The presenter will share her expertise and practice on this topic using several examples and hands-on online activities.
Sustainable Equity, Inclusion, and Student Engagement in Online Higher Education Milieus
Duration: 3 hours.
Presenter: Dr. UTEL team member
Targeted Audience: All higher education faculty members
Duration: This Workshop is designed for teachers, administrators, staff, and student activists from all disciplines who want to link and integrate sustainability, diversity, equality, inclusion, and engagement into their campus, curriculum, and departments in the age of online learning and teaching..
Workshop Registration
The Unit for Teaching Excellence and Leadership
Dr. Diana Aljahromi